CEEQUAL Version 6 Consultation

CEEQUAL is bringing together the two existing methodologies of CEEQUAL Version 5.2 and BREEAM Infrastructure (Pilot) – to create a single international best practice ratings tool and certification scheme for infrastructure projects.

CEEQUAL Version 6 was launched in London on Thursday 27 June 2019. The development was guided by a diverse group of experts and users from across industry, CEEQUAL, and BREEAM. International representatives and those from different sectors were listened to, ensuring we captured knowledge from diverse sources.

The updated scheme is now available for use in the UK and internationally.




How can I get involved?

The consultation for CEEQUAL Version 6 has now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated by submitting comments.

The consultation took place between Friday 22 March 2019 and Monday 15 April 2019.

Full details of the consultation are given in the consultation response and the original consultation information.

The latest version of the technical manual is now available online.

Open consultation workshops, 2-5 April 2019

In addition to taking written comments on the draft CEEQUAL Version 6 manual, we also ran a series of open consultation workshops to give an opportunity to provide feedback in an interactive discussion environment.

  • Glasgow, Tuesday 2 April – hosted by Institution of Civil Engineers
  • Birmingham, Wednesday 3 April – hosted by Ramboll
  • Belfast, Thursday 4 April – hosted by AECOM
  • Cardiff, Friday 5 April – hosted by Arup
  • London, Friday 5 April – hosted by WSP

Thank you to the people and organisations who kindly hosted the workshops and to everyone who participated.