Implimenting Active design using CEEQUAL, BRE’s certification scheme for new Infrastructure projects
CEEQUAL is a certification standard delivered by BRE, the scheme offers a sustainability rating for civil engineering and infrastructure projects.
These projects could include large scale rail projects, roads and bridges. Within the structure for the scheme there are 8 assessment categories covering a range of aspects to do with the asset such as the management, pollution and biodiversity. Meeting the requirements for a CEEQUAL Assessment may mean a Infrastructure projects meets some of the Active Design aspirations published by Sport England.
How can CEEQUAL Contribute to Active Design?
Assessment Issues with a Strong Contribution
3.1 Consultation and Engagement
Credits are awarded for considering the needs, ideas and knowledge of the community.
Aligns with All Active Design Principles.
6.2 Air, Noise and Light Pollution
Credits are awarded where the pollution levels are managed and active transport is promoted on a development.
Aligns with Active Design Principle 2.
Assessment Issues with a Moderate Contribution
3.2 Wider Social Benefits
Credits are awarded for recognising engagement with the local community to promote health and wellbeing and the impacts of the new development on the local communities.
Aligns with All Active Design Principles.
5.1 Landscape and Visual Impact
Credits are awarded for recognising the management of the landscape ensuring that attractiveness and visual diversity are maintained over time, increasing likelihood of people using the site for activity.
Aligns with Active Design Principle 9.
8.1 Transport Networks
Credits are awarded for the provision of transport links and easily accessible walking and cycle routes.
Aligns with Active Design Principles 2 & 3.
Assessment Issues with a Minor Contribution
2.2 Flooding and Surface Water Run-off
Credits are awarded for the implementation of sustainable drainage systems which could include multifunctional space such as wildlife habitats and recreational spaces.
Aligns with Active Design Principle 5.
2.3 Future Needs
Credits are awarded for the consideration of future needs of communities including aspects such as a growing population and changing demographic.
Aligns with Active Design Principle 9.
4.3 Protection of Biodiversity
Credits are awarded where effort have been made to protect and enhance existing ecology and biodiversity.
Aligns with Active Design Principle 5.
4.5 Long-Term Management of Biodiversity
Credits are awarded where there are long-term plans which ensure the character of the landscape is respected and, where possible, enhanced, which can create attractive and visual diverse.
Aligns with Active Design Principles 5 & 6.
7.4 Circular Use of Construction Products
Credits are given for using materials that are long lasting, durable, low maintenance and recycled. All qualities that contribute to high quality streets and spaces and there continued quality over time.
Aligns with Active Design Principle 6.